HR Compliance 101 - For New HR and Non-HR Managers

  • Webinar Duration240 min
  • Webinar Date08 Oct. 2024
  • Webinar IdAT3290


Knowing what to do in increasingly complicated employee situations can be difficult for even seasoned managers, especially if a manager has never had training. For a new manager, these problems are intensified. For a new HR Manager this becomes a bigger problem as HR advises not just one manager but all managers throughout an organization.

What will you learn

In this webinar you will learn what to do in an increasingly complicated world of employee compliance in which HR struggles just to keep abreast of new developments, not teaching managers the basics can be costly. After all it's the managers who interact with employees on a day-to-day basis and every day is an opportunity for problems to arise that a manager was never trained in how to address.

Area Covered In The Webinar
  • Basics of the Big Four of employment compliance- Title VII, FLSA, FMLA, ADA 
  • Writing defensible employment documentation that backs up employment decisions - Understand consistency, timing and content. Understand how poor documentation can create compliance risk, damage relationships, create confusion, and cause ill will from employees.
  • Know how to get employees off to a good start that will carry over into their entire career.
  • Accommodations
  • Basics of wage and hour.
  • Recognizing harassment and discrimination.
  • Using the 4 tools of a manager; coaching, performance reviews, performance improvement plans and discipline.
  • What to do if someone is struggling doing their job for whatever the reason – having a process.
  • What to do with employee complaints.
  • OSHA’s role and safety basics for employers and employees
  • Understanding the Workers’ Compensation process
Why should you attend?

By the time an employee problem reaches HR, a level of liability has often been created. How an employer handles such problems, can either limit or increase liability. Further exacerbating the problem is that managers often inherit a dysfunctional department and/or are promoted to supervise those with whom they once were co-workers.

If an HR Dept. doesn’t know how to recognize or fix problems, what can be solved as a mere miscommunication, can quickly turn into a costly lawsuit. With this in mind, the instructor will take attendees through best practices to prevent litigation and general dysfunction by ensuring compliance with the HR laws.
