More and more people are complaining of feeling depressed,hopeless and just plain out of sorts.Therapists indicate that more and more people are seeking therapy, especially since the 2016 election. Millennials, the largest work group in our workplaces, have an increase in depression. These are your employees—What are your responsibilities as a manager or HR professional in recognizing and helping them?How can you ensure your organization’s climate is a safe and healthy place rather than a climate that might exacerbate poor mental health? Employers are seeing more mental health issues in their workforce than ever before.Each year 1 in 5 adults is stricken with a mental illness (National Institute of Mental health), making mental illness an everyday reality for many of your employees. Yet, only 1 in 3 people seek help with their illness. The ADA, HIPAA, FMLA and most states’ human/civil rights department dictate how employers deal with employees’ with mental health problems. Privacy laws create challenges for employers to determine how serious a situation is and whether an employee poses a danger (though those with a mental illness pose no more risk of violence than those without a mental illness). Examples ofthe most common psychological disorders include major depression and dysthymia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia and an array of personality disorders.Those individuals with depression have 2.5 times the risk of on the job injury.Workplace depression results in 200 million lost days annually.The disease is common, debilitating, and the number one cause of disability worldwide.Employers lose an estimated $52 billion annually in loss of productivity and insurance payments.In 2016, the EEOC resolved 5000 disability based claims dealing with mental health conditions costing employers approximately $20 million.With the increase in claims came an EEOC newly released Guidance on Mental Health Discrimination which is addressed to employees informing them of their employment rights under the ADA. Workplaces can and should play a significant role in minimizing their employees’ mental health risks.Employee stress levels continue to rise as more and more employees spend more and more hours at work without an increase in pay or benefits.Burnout and depression, particularly to millennials and millennial women are reported more than any other generation.